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New ideas every day--How to REALLY get a GREAT JOB

Connecting the best people
with the best companies!

We are recruiters and trainers.
We connect the best people with the best companies.
We also train managers and teams to transform companies.
We are Competitive Employment Strategists.

Why hiring companies use AGI
  1. We don't compete with clients. We don't advertise in the papers. AGI is not competing with clients or agencies that rely on ads. Referrals and search recruiting are our main source of executives, sales people, bankers, accountants and computer professionals. We send fresh candidates who are highly valued where they currently work.
  2. We can help you keep your best people. As Certified Personnel Consultants, we can help with employee retention and hiring. Whether it is a 45 minute presentation to your management team, a 1 day training session, or a week long engagement, we can help. And it isn't just talk. It works.
  3. We are Certified ChangeWorks Practitioners.  We can help you to pick the most important and most possible changes for your company and individuals in your company.


Our Mission
What we are and what we strive to be

Strategic Intent
  1. AGI is your first choice


  1. Sales, Marketing and Sales Management
  2. Information Technology
  3. Engineering
  4. Accounting
  5. Banking
  6. Financial
  1. Our Employees
  2. Our Customers
  3. Our Business
The Market
  1. Permanent Sales, IT and Financial employee placement with our client firms
  2. Contract programming and consulting at the customer's site
Ethics Principles
  1. Right makes might
  2. A lie is any communication given with intent to deceive
  3. Be wise as a serpent, harmless as a dove
  4. This is your company
Group Values
  1. Integrity
  2. Service
  3. Rewards
  4. Learning
Ethics Check Questions
  1. Is it legal? (civil and corporate)
  2. Is it balanced? (win-win for the short and long term)
  3. How will it make me feel about myself? (In my gut, in my family)
  4. How would I feel if this action were published in the newspaper?
  5. Is the real problem that I didn't communicate clearly?
Group Business Mission
  1. We operate with integrity
  2. We reward our employees well
  3. We treat our staff and customers as we want to be treated
  4. We give our clients outstanding service
  5. We keep our personnel and customers secure
  6. We do not recruit from our clients
  7. We create opportunities to learn and grow
We help every job seeker
  1. Some of our jobs are listed at our Online Job Center .  Several are not.  They are confidential.  Go ahead and submit your resume to make sure you are considered for all our available jobs.

  2. We can't place everyone, but we can can sure be a big help. Go to Some Job Search Help  and www.howtoreallygetagreatjob.com .
  3. Individualized coaching is available to help you with an urgent job search or a needed career change. One-On-One Coaching

5 weeks - How to find a job in 5 weeks.

Individualized coaching to help you with an urgent job search or a needed career change.